Saturday, February 24, 2007

Alice the Fairy

Alice is a little girl, who wants to be a fairy. She describes all the things that she can do like a fairy and all of her fairy tools like her magic wand and her blanket. She says she uses her wand to disappear, but what she really does is flicks the light switch off. She also has a magic mirror and fairy dust for her spells. She thinks she’ll probably be a temporary fairy forever because to be a permanent fairy you have to go to advanced fairy school.

This is a good book to use when talking about perspective. The story is written through the eyes of a young girl. She fantasizes that her mom is an evil duchess because she makes her eat broccoli. I think this book would have a wide appeal for imaginative students, who like to pretend they have special powers.

Shannon, D. (2004) Alice the Fairy. Blue Sky Press: NY

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