Friday, May 1, 2009

Where I'm From

I am from a mother and father that love me to distraction.
Distraction is what they feel when I am away.
Away is where is am now.
Now, I am going further.
Further for just a while though.

I am from a sister that I used to know.
She took care of me throughout childhood.
Became my substitute mom.
Now, she is like a stranger
With a jealous tongue.

I am from a small town.
Pushing to become something new.
Infiltrated with urban workers.
Building subdivisions on the farmland
that used to be my home.

I am from a classroom
filled with violence
Couldn't stop the pain
from taking over the childrens'

I am from a relationship
with silence dictating

On the other hand...

I am from the land of friendships
that range thousands of miles.
Supporting my very existence.
Loving, Kind, Beautiful

I am from a school that cares
about the students,
about the teachers.
A place where I fit in.

I am from a world of books.
Opening new experiences.
Teasing, tricking, inciting
me to want something more.
Always wanting something

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