This is a story about sibling relationships. It is also a fractured fairy tale about Goldie Locks. When Goldie Locks first spies a spot, her mother knows it must be chicken pox. She immediately calls the Three Bears, apologizing for the chair, to see if Baby Bear has chicken pox, too. Soon, a steady stream of storybook favorites -- from Little Bo Peep to Henny Penny -- stop by to visit the bedridden child. All the while, Goldie Locks tries to ignore her brother's relentless teasing about her spotted exterior. But as more visitors arrive, her pox-free brother, in a fit of jealousy at the attention his sister is getting, intensifies his teasing. Everyone begins to give him attention, and as it turns out he has chicken pox. This story will appeal to students because of the familiar characters.
Dealey, E. and Wakiyama, H. (2002) Goldie Locks Has Chicken Pox. Antheneum Books: New York.
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