Swimmy was one of a school of tiny fish. He was the only one that survived when a big fish ate all his friends. Interestingly, Swimmy was the only black fish, while the other fish were orange. With his friends gone, Swimmy swam the ocean by himself. He was scared and lonely. He began to feel better as he journeyed because he saw so many new sights including a rainbow jelly, a lobster, and other new animals. He finally found another school of fish like his own. They were also all orange. He taught them not to be afraid to enjoy life by forming a big fish with them to scare away all the other fish. He was the eye of the fish.
This book has so many messages. There are many ways to study Swimmy and his actions. What does it mean that he became the eye of the fish as the only different fish? Is it important that he was a black fish? How can you face your fears?
Lionni, L. (1963) Swimmy. Knopf: New York.
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